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Are you ready to rediscover the magic in your life?

Join my FREE Workshop:
"4 ways to feel inspired by your life again"

and gain actionable tips on how you can add more inspiration to your daily life!


If you're not living a life that lights you up,

then what are you working so hard for?

You could have a perfectly wonderful life, but if you're not inspired by it, then it's time for a change!

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is crafted for highly creative women who feel stuck and yearn to reconnect with the magic of who they truly are.

  • Women who want to create a more meaningful and purposeful life.

  • Women who want to gain tools to help live a more inspired life.

  • Women who are tired of feeling lost and unfulfilled and are ready to change their mindsets and habits, in order to live happier.

In this free workshop,I will guide you through:


Trying New Things Regularly

Discover the power of stepping outside of your comfort zone and cultivating a habit of newness to bring more excitement and possibilities into your life.


Connecting with Others

Explore the importance of building meaningful connections, asking deep questions, and understanding how your relationships impact your journey of self-discovery.


Creating an Inspiring Physical Space

Learn how your environment influences your inspiration and get tips on designing a space that aligns with your preferences and inspires you daily.


Addressing Blocks

Uncover and address subconscious beliefs that may be holding you back. I will guide you through identifying and replacing limiting beliefs with thoughts that align with the inspiring person that you truly are.

Dry Plants

"Thank you so much Molly, for listening to me, motivating me, helping me find strategies, pushing me when necessary, and helping me better understand myself and my thoughts.


I am truly grateful to you for being so compassionate and non-judgmental. Your expertise and knowledge were outstanding-sometimes it felt like you knew me better than I knew myself. I had a wonderful experience working with you, Molly!"

Hey! I'm Molly.

A Transformation Coach dedicated to empowering women to create the lives that they desire.

With a passion for self-discovery and transformation, I bring my own experiences and insights to guide you on your inspiring journey.


Why should you watch my Free Workshop?

  • Rediscover your zest for life: You can get stuck in your introverted ways, so learn to reignite the spark within by making a habit of going outside your comfort zone regularly! You'll build your confidence by reminding yourself what you are truly capable of! 

  • Transform your every-day life: You are a creative soul at heart, even if your life (and it's endless to-do's) doesn't give you the chance to show it often. Learn the art of self-expression through your space, and create beauty in the mundane, by creatively enhancing your surroundings.

  • Feel more fulfilled in your relationships: You are a sensitive soul that requires connection beyond the surface-level. So surround yourself with people that uplift you and then learn how to satisfy your intrinsic need for connection by going deeper with them.

  • Achieve exponential growth: You think deeply about life, and you have high expectations of yourself. The problem is that some of these mindsets are actually limiting beliefs that are holding you back from the life you really want. Learn to seek help to identify these and then shift them.

You deserve to live a life that is fulfilling, purposeful and exciting.

More importantly, you have the capacity to build that life now.

Fill out the form below for access to this workshop!

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