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Molly Ancello

I spent the majority of my life doing what I was supposed to do... 


I thought that if I continued on the traditional path that society laid out for me, that I would have the fulfilled life I craved.


I thought that I would be happy with a family, an amazing and impressive job that I loved, and of course the house, cars, etc... all of the things that I was made to believe would make me happy.


All I had to do was stay on the path… 


My first suspicion that this path was a fabrication, was after I started therapy. 


I realized that I had anxiety and needed help. I realized that the very path that I was told to stay on, was actually triggering my anxiety.


Looking back, I see now that living a life that was not true to myself, was resulting in anxiety symptoms like, irritability, sleeplessness, inability to eat on some days, and racing and fearful thoughts.


I thought that I was anxious about my burn-out job or my relationships, but there was a deeper truth.


Deep down, I lacked confidence because I didn't know who I was or where I was going. I didn't know that I had unique gifts to offer the world, or that I had the capacity to change my life.


That lack of confidence kept me stuck in a life that wasn't fully mine. On the outside, it was beautiful, but on the inside, something was missing.


And the truth is, it was easier to stay in that life, rather than try to figure out what was missing.


So for a long time, I just accepted my reality. I felt like I didn't have control over my unfulfilled circumstances, but I always craved more. And I knew in my heart that I was meant for more.


But it wasn't just about leaving an unfulfilling burn-out job. It was bigger than that... 

I wanted my life to inspire me. 


I wanted to be motivated, proud, and confident about my life. 


I didn't want to spend my days focused on a job that didn't actually mean that much to me, while simultaneously, sacrificing all of the things that do matter to me. 


I wanted a deeper identity beyond just the roles I played in my life.


I wanted to live passionately and purposefully.


And in order to live that life, I had to become the person that lives that life, so that I could learn to trust myself to build it.


That meant that I needed to uncover all of my limiting beliefs and blind spots, in order to heal them. I needed to acquire tools to support my growth. And most importantly, I needed to develop healthier mindsets and habits. 


This was a journey of coming home to myself. 


What I didn't realize was that I was that person all along, she was just buried under years of programming about who I "should" be and what I "should" do.


So I embarked on a journey of shedding the programming that I had absorbed throughout my life, and reconnecting with who I truly am.


I had to set new boundaries with the people in my life. I had to stop people-pleasing. I had to start expressing myself. I had to commit to overcoming my perfectionism. And I had to stop coasting and start taking action towards the life that I truly wanted.


I didn't know much about Coaching back then, but it was during this self-development journey that I realized that I was one. And when you too, start to come home to yourself and tap into your gifts, you will recognize your purpose as your truth.


From there, I took the first intentional step that I had ever taken towards committing to a purpose that was my own:  I enrolled in a Coaching certification program. For the first time, no one was telling me that I should do it, no one was admiring me for it, I wasn't doing it to create an image of how I wanted others to view me, and I wasn't thinking about acquiring money, a higher position, or more things.


It was just the right thing for me.



Eventually, I left my burn-out job. I took a sharp turn off of that traditional path. Some people questioned me, some were scared for me, and others admired me. But I was so sure of myself, that it didn't matter what anyone else said.


And what I want to say to you, is that once you start this journey of connecting back to your true self, decisions like this that would have scared you previously, actually take very little consideration and courage. You will just know what is right.


That traditional path was a distraction all along. It kept me from reconnecting with my true self and fulfilling my true potential.


So once I had built enough confidence and enough trust in myself, I chose a different path.


It was simply, my path.


And I want to help you find yours too. The one that is the most authentic, inspiring, fulfilling and aligned with who you truly are and with the life that you really want to live.

Dry Plants

"No words can describe what Molly has done for me."

I was really amazed by the quality of her sessions. It is clear how much passion she has and how much she valued me as her client. Molly always tailored our sessions to my needs. She helped me look at situations from different perspectives and provided me with strategies and tools that resulted in changes in many areas of my life. She sat down with me each session and brought a transformative experience.

My Why


I see Coaching as my service to the world.


It is my unique gift that allows me to change lives and have an impact.


I want to help as many women as I can live more authentically and happily.


I get so much joy out of seeing women feel empowered to choose their lives instead of just accepting things as they are.


Each person that I help live a more authentic, fulfilled and inspired life, makes a difference not just to them, which is powerful enough...but to everyone around them.


It also increases the overall frequency of the world, spreading love and positivity.


There isn't any better way that I could spend my days than to use my gifts and my own growth journey, to make a difference for others who are so ready and so deserving.

If you are ready to start the journey of building your authentic and inspired life, let’s connect for a complimentary 30-minute discovery call. We'll explore how I can help you reconnect with your true self and fulfill your true potential.




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