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Writer's pictureMolly Ancello

An origin story of women and burn-out, and how to finally find freedom

Recently, I have heard from countless women that they are tired. They feel exhausted from years of working long hours, striving for success, and still trying to fulfill the needs of everyone else.

There seems to be a mass movement of women wanting to move away from corporate culture.

These are women that are smart, educated, articulate, and talented, and they just want to rest.

They want to be at home and spend time with the people that they love.

They want to explore their passions and have the time to delve into their creativity.

They want freedom and flexibility.

And as I hear woman after woman with these same desires, I have to ask myself, how did we get here?

And so here I share an origin story. The origin of how women got to be so burned out that we decided we want a totally different life than the one we’re living.

Chapter One: The great silencing

This is a story about a world where two kinds of people exist: Women and Men.

Women have always had a natural propensity for flexibility, freedom and creativity.

Yet, for the majority of the history of this world, men have ruled.

And most men have a propensity for structure, order, and discipline.

And so men created a world where the expectation was that everyone conforms to these values.

Flexibility, freedom, and creativity didn’t fit into their structured world-view.

So for generations, the strengths of women went overlooked.

Women themselves went unheard, unappreciated, under-valued and in many cases, abused.

Women were physically, emotionally, and mentally silenced.

Because men had physical strength, and some of them misinterpreted it’s purpose.

These men were in their wounded masculine energy, which made them dangerous. They had fragile egos and strong muscles.

These men were the opposite of the divine masculine man, who is first and foremost a provider and a protector: which are the true purposes of his physical strength.

Divinely masculine men existed, but they’re positive impact was often overshadowed by the pain that was caused by their wounded counterparts.

And even though they were in their divine masculine, many of these men even were unaware of the way that the patriarchy propped them up.

So for a long time, women were made to feel that their natural gifts were inferior to those of men. They were forced to stay quiet and submissive.

Chapter Two: Feminism

Now you can understand why, after generations of being treated like second class citizens, women began forcing themselves to be structured, ordered, and disciplined, because that was the only way that they were going to be heard and valued in this world.

They had to adapt to the man’s world.

And thus, feminism was born.

Powerful women became sick and tired of being abused and oppressed and they decided that anything a man could do, they could do too.

Their intention was to empower women and break free from the abuse that they had suffered.

Feminism was an important step in the evolution of women and in moving towards the energy balance in the world that we all need.

And it also contributed to making us tough, because we had to be.

We had to scream, or men wouldn’t listen.

We had to fight for our freedom, because men wouldn’t give it to us.

We had to be bold and loud and organized, or men wouldn’t take us seriously.

And because of these women, we started to be heard.

We started being respected.

We started gaining positions of power.

We started working long hours.

We started grinding.

We pushed ourselves to succeed because now we had the chance to.

But then, after a while, we started getting tired.

We got tired of grinding.

We got tired of working so hard.

We got tired of the schedule, the discipline, the order.

We became burned-out.

Because we had spent so many years fitting ourselves into a system that wasn’t designed for us. A system that didn’t honor what was natural in us.

Chapter Three: Coming home to our true nature

So we started to come to the realization that we don’t want to be in this system anymore.

We don’t even want the life that we worked so hard to create for ourselves.

What we want is to be healthy.

What we want is to have flexibility.

What we want is to be free to live our lives on our terms.

And what we really want is to rest.

So slowly, we started to stop.

We stopped grinding.

We stopped putting our jobs before ourselves, our family, and our health.

One by one, we began to reject burn-out culture.

We decided that instead, we wanted to live a life with meaning and purpose.

We wanted to tap into our strengths and build a life from there, not force ourselves to be something that we’re not.

And we, as women, are still on this journey today.

And what’s been beautiful to witness, is that at the same time that we women are coming back to our true feminine nature, men are coming back to their true masculine nature too.

New generations of men are understanding that it is exactly in our polarity, that we all succeed.

Men are respecting us exactly because we have the knowledge and skills that they don’t have.

As they are healing, so are we.

And we encourage the healing in each other.

We encourage them to rest, reflect, and live in the present.

They encourage us to plan, strategize, and take action.

Women’s strengths are in our softness, our intuition, our flow.

When we are in our divine feminine, men kneel at our feet, in deep need of our nurturing powers and feminine grace.

Centuries of men sought earthly power, and yet the most powerful of all was right in front of them.

They are seeking that respite now, and they aren’t afraid of it because their healing journey has taught them to honor it.

And so now we too, are seeking to rest in our softness.

We want to spend our days creating, reading, reflecting, writing, painting, laughing, lounging, and loving.

The gift of this next chapter of our world, is that as a collective, we will move towards our true nature.

We will get closer to the balance that our world seeks.

And we women will be able to rest well, knowing that the generations of men who are coming, are in their divine masculine, providing and protecting us no matter where our flow takes us.

And we honor those strengths in them.

Chapter Four: One-by-one equals the collective

The movement is already happening.

And you have to ask yourself, do you want to be part of it?

If you are reading this, well, then you’re already part it. Because part of you already wants it.

And it may feel strange and foreign. Change usually does.

But it will also feel right.

So one-by-one we change. And one-by-one, we become the collective change that we all seek.

So your next step matters, to you and to all of us.

You just need to take one intentional step at a time, towards the life that you really want: the one with flexibility, freedom and creativity.

And I promise you, it’s where you’ll finally feel like you’re home.

Molly is a Self-discovery & Transformation coach, helping women who feel lost and unfulfilled, to rediscover themselves! By working with Molly, her clients find their motivation, their inspiration, and they embark on building a fulfilling life that it truly authentic to them.

If you are ready to be a part of the change that you seek, a great first step is to download my FREE Workshop: “4 ways to feel inspired by your life again!” And start your own process of coming back to your true nature and feeling more fulfilled than you have ever felt before!

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