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Writer's pictureMolly Ancello

Don't even think about quitting your job and doing something more fulfilling, until you've done this

Maybe you want to quit your job and do something that you are more passionate about.

Maybe you're not sure what that is yet. 

But even if you were sure, do you trust yourself to make a living doing something you love, instead of working a 9-5?

Or do you have a subconscious belief that work should be hard and somewhat unpleasant, in order for you to make a living at it?

You're so used to grinding it out, that it might be hard to imagine a life where you aren't sacrificing way too much, in exchange for a paycheck.

So be honest, is there a part of you that believes that in order to make money, you need to sacrifice too much of your time, happiness, and even, your fulfillment?

Do you see the problem? 

How are you ever going to make a living doing something more fulfilling, if you hold a subconscious belief that in order to make a living, you have to sacrifice fulfillment?

Your belief is counter to your goal. 

And maybe the word "goal" feels like a strong word right now...because you haven't truly bought into it. 

It's like, you want it, but you're not sure it's possible.

That's where most change starts, so let's start there.

Recognizing a belief from the truth

You want it, but you're not sure it's least, you don't think it's possible for you. 

It's funny how we do that, right? We assume that other people have some special ability that we don't have. We convince ourselves that we are some cursed being, meant to spend the rest of our lives watching others achieve big things and chase their purpose, while we sit idly by, too inadequate and incapable of anything more. And how dare we want more, when we should be grateful for what we have anyway!

These stories are your brain's way of protecting you against failure. But the threat that your brain misses, is the complacency, regret, and indeed, the failure, that is the cost of you staying the same.

So, the first thing you need to do, is recognize that this story, is just a belief that you hold, it's not the truth.

People often confuse beliefs and truths. But people also used to believe that the Earth was flat. But no matter how deeply they believed it, it didn't make it true.

And the same goes for you: just because you may not believe that something is possible, doesn't mean that it's not.

And after all, if the thought of doing this thing has crossed your mind, then there is a small part of you that does believe it's possible. Even if it's just a miniscule part, it's there, because part of you wants it.

So, it's really just about changing your belief.

Don't try to achieve your goal

Now, the only thing that can combat a subconscious belief, is a conscious one! Aligning your beliefs with your goals, takes conscious effort. 

Subconscious beliefs can also be called limiting beliefs, when they put unnecessary restrictions on you.

And although limiting beliefs aren't true in the sense that they are not factual, they do create your reality, because what you believe is possible, determines what you are able to create. That's rather logical.

Once you've acknowledged your limiting belief, then it's time to take action to change it.

In order to change the limiting belief so that you can create your goal in real life, you must seek out people and resources that affirm your goal. That means:

- Building new communities with people who have done what you want to do

- Consuming new media and content that aligns with your goal

Many people feel like this is too much work and would rather continue in the communities where they are comfortable, and would rather continue consuming content that aligns with their current life.

And that is ok, but they won't get to their goal. And they must therefore, accept the cost of staying the same.

What I want to get across, is that the first step in creating the life you want, doesn't actually involve taking any action towards that life. What it involves is taking action towards changing your beliefs about your life. 

So I don't even want you to think about taking action towards your goal, until you've taken action to shift your mindset first.

This is the only way you will succeed.

And along the way, as you begin to develop new beliefs, doors will open that support your new mindset. Because you'll be gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to trust yourself to achieve your goal. And one step at a time, you will.

But it starts with believing that it's possible first.

Molly is a Self-discovery & Transformation coach, helping women rediscover themselves and live a life that is authentic and fulfilling to them. She works with professional women and new moms in their 30's, who feel lost and unmotivated, and guides them in finding their motivation, their inspiration, and building a life that they truly love.

For more mindset shifts to get to your fulfilling life, download my FREE Workshop “4 ways to feel inspired by your life again!” Because I know you don't want to just live, you want to be present and happy while doing so.

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