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Writer's pictureMolly Ancello

Life hack to attract everything you want

Updated: Feb 20

This Valentine's Day, I started a new tradition. 

I was sitting at my local Panera and I heard one of the employees yell from behind the counter, "Happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there who celebrates it!" 

I smiled as I ate my half salad/half soup combo, and I thought, "Wow! That is someone who is spreading the love today." She went out of her way to bring joy to others, and then she just went back to work.

The truth is, I wasn't planning on celebrating Valentine's Day. Not out of bitterness, because in fact, I LOVE love. Being that I'm not in a relationship though, I figured I would let the day pass unremarkably, and go about my usual tasks.

But then with one act of kindness, this Panera employee interrupted my nonchalance and made me think...

I thought, "Hmm, how can I show love today?" 

I looked around and saw how hard the employees were working, and I thought, "I'd like to give them valentines".

So finishing off my bag of chips, I decided that next year I would start a new tradition - giving valentines to service workers.

I envisioned giving valentines out, and all of the smiles and joy that it would generate.

I envisioned years from now, taking my kids around to give valentines to service workers, and how much fun we would have making them and then spreading joy. I smiled at the values that would be instilled in my children, on a holiday where most people expect to receive.

And while I was finishing up my last bites, I thought, "Wait, why can't I start this tradition right now?"

And so right there on a cold Valentines Day afternoon in Panera, I decided to bring my vision to life.

I went across the street to Walmart and bought 48 mini cards, along with some sparkly heart-shaped stickers, and pens, to write messages. 

I got in my car, and I spent the next hour decorating cards with stickers, and writing notes like:

"Thank you for all you do!"

"Your community appreciates you!"

"Trust in yourself and in the timing of life."

"Trust your magic!"

"You are loved by so many."

Then I went back into Walmart and began my love-spreading mission.

Some people smiled graciously, some people wished me a great day, and some gave a look like maybe this would be the only valentine they would receive that day.

Others were skeptical. I couldn't help but smile as some people looked at me suspiciously, some hesitantly reached out their hand to take my mystery item, and one person actually rejected my valentine! (I can't remember all of grade school, but that might have been a first for me.)

None of it bothered me though, as I know first-hand how small acts of kindness have long-lasting effects beyond just one interaction. 

It's the way that someone went out of their way to be kind, that really sticks with you and impacts the rest of your day - maybe even impacts the choices you make, the words you say to yourself, and your desire to show up for yourself. Because someone saw you that day. And sometimes, we just want someone to see us.

And anyway, I'm also quite certain that some people thought I was giving out Bible scriptures, and one person definitely thought I slipped him my phone number.

I went back to Panera and I gave out more valentines. I'm not sure who the person was that yelled earlier, and it looked like most people were on break, so I left a handful of valentines with one employee to give out to the rest. 

I caught another employee as she was leaving for the day, and she smiled so bright that had she been the only person impacted that whole day, her smile would have been enough.

I went on to Starbucks and distributed some more, and then lastly, to the library, where I often go to write.

When I had only a few valentines left, and not enough staff to give them to, I decided to give a few to "civilians". 

I noticed a father and daughter looking at some books and I offered them the last two. They had seen me giving out valentines earlier, and I think maybe he was hoping I'd get to them. At least, his warm and welcoming smile made me think that, as I handed one to his young daughter.

I walked away empty-handed and full-hearted.

Then I remembered that some of my valentines said, "Your community appreciates you!" and "Thank you for all you do!", and I thought maybe those weren't the most appropriate messages for an 8-year-old, but hey! I trust the Universe gave her what she needed. (I didn't check the messages as I gave them out, for exactly that reason)

I don't share this story to show how selfless I am.

Rather, I share it because it's a reminder to BE the love that you seek in the world. In a room full of people, be the Panera employee.

Look up and notice all of the opportunities to show gratitude. And then show it.

And when you feel like you are lacking in life in some way, instead of harping on how unlucky you are, look around and look for opportunities to BE that thing for other people.

If you want more joy in your life, BE the joy for others.

If you want more inspiration in your life, look for ways to inspire others.

And if you want more love in your life, well go ahead and BE that love for others.

In the process of giving, you become what you seek, and you attract more of it to you. I promise that you'll get more than you could have ever hoped for.

Molly is a Self-discovery & Transformation coach, helping women who feel lost and unfulfilled, to rediscover themselves! She works with women to guide them in finding their motivation, their inspiration, and in building a life that it truly authentic to them.

If you are ready to break some rules and find your own freedom, a great first step is to download my FREE Workshop “4 ways to feel inspired by your life again!” Because I know you want to not just live, but lived inspired.

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